Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (eBook)
With the changing expectations of consumers, employees and regulators, being best in the world is no longer enough. Businesses are now also expected to be best for the world: to be socially and environmentally responsible, sustainable and ethical. Based on the idea that strategic CSR offers the most holistic and effective approach to corporate social responsibility, the author presents the key concepts, theories and philosophical approaches to CSR, along with the practical tools needed to implement this knowledge in the real world. The book is split into three parts; the first part provides the theoretical background of CSR, the second part examines various CSR approaches and how they can be implemented, and the third part discusses measuring and communicating CSR. New this edition is also a chapter titled ‘The S in CSR: Social and Global Issues’. Each chapter contains questions for reflection & discussion, exercises, and case studies from globally recognised brands such as Ben & Jerry′s, Google, H&M, Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, Patagonia, Puma, Unilever and Whole Foods. The book is complemented by chapter specific lecturer PowerPoint slides, a draft syllabus and an instructor′s manual. Suitable reading for students on Corporate Social Responsibility modules.
ISBN: 9781529764628
Author: Debbie Haski-Leventhal
Publisher: Sage Publications
Format: eBook
GUST Course: MGMT 488
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