Learn C Programming: A beginner's guide to learning the most powerful and general-purpose programming language with ease, 2nd Edition (eBook)
Get started with writing simple programs in C while learning core programming concepts Key Features Learn essential C concepts such as variables, data structures, functions, loops, and pointers Grasp the core programming aspects that form the base of many modern programming languages Work with updated code samples and cover array declaration and initialization in detail in this new edition Book Description The foundation for many modern programming languages such as C , C#, JavaScript, and Go, C is widely used as a system programming language as well as for embedded systems and high-performance computing. With this book, you'll be able to get up to speed with C in no time. The book takes you through basic programming concepts and shows you how to implement them in the C programming language. Throughout the book, you'll create and run programs that demonstrate essential C concepts, such as program structure with functions, control structures such as loops and conditional statements, and complex data structures. As you make progress, you'll get to grips with in-code documentation, testing, and validation methods.
ISBN: 9781801075114
Edition: 2
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Format: Ebook
ktech Course: IST 125