A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (NORTON EDITION)
“This richly filled Norton Critical Edition contains a reliably edited and annotated text of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; extracts from some of Joyce’s other works; historical, religious, aesthetic, and literary writings from the novel’s time period; and recent critical essays that consider the novel from a wide range of positions and approaches. This edition is sure to be welcomed by instructors, students, and readers of all kinds.” Michael Groden, Western University, Canada
This Norton Critical Edition includes:
Hans Walter Gabler’s acclaimed text of Joyce’s 1916 coming-of-age novel, accompanied by Gabler’s introduction and textual notes.
Preface and revised and expanded explanatory annotations by John Paul Riquelme.
Other writings by James Joyce closely related to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, new to the Second Edition.
Nine illustrations.
“Backgrounds and Contexts,” including a wealth of materials, topically organized: “Political Nationalism: Irish History, 1798–1916,” “The Irish Literary and Cultural Revival,” “Religion,” and “Aesthetic Backgrounds.”
Twelve major critical assessments, seven of them new to the Second Edition.
A selected bibliography.
ISBN: 9780393643947
Author: James Joyce, John Paul Riquelme
Edition: 2nd edition
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Format: Print
AUK Course: ENG 314