Watercolour Paint Tin
Watercolour Paint Tin
Traditional watercolour tin containing twelve watercolour tablets in a metal box for easy transportation.
Tin comes with a specially designed lid for colour mixing. These paints produce a beautiful transparent effect.
The watercolurs in this set are made with pure and fineley ground pigments, and are formed into handy tablets, which fit neatly into this closeable tin. Activated simply with a wet brush, the results of these watercolur paints gives the artist a beautiful transparent effect. Contains: Gamboge, Carmine, Vermillion, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Leaf Green, Hookers Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Vandyke Brown, Black, White.
- Pack size: Single
- Colour: Multi
- Age Range: Suitable for 5 to 16 years