Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (EBOOK)
Gain an understanding of advertising and brand strategy from an integrated marketing, advertising and business perspective with Close Scheinbaum/O’Guinn/Semenik's popular ADVERTISING AND INTEGRATED BRAND PROMOTION, 9E. Updates bring strategy to life in today's digital and mobile society as new content addresses industry shifts, such as pandemic-prompted changes in consumer behavior and e-commerce, influencer marketing, celebrity endorsements and streaming content. New examples highlight contemporary ads and current forms of branding and marketing for well-known brands like Target, Chanel, Amazon, Southwest, Netflix, Disney, ESPN, Apple, TikTok, Instagram, Adidas and Nike.
ISBN: 9780357721483 VitalSource
Author: Angeline Close Scheinbaum; Thomas O'Guinn; Richard J. Semenik
Edition: 9th edition
Publisher: Cengage
Format: EBOOK
ktech Course: BSM 280